For the 2024 – 2025 school year, our school operating hours have been updated!
The school day for our students will begin at 7:30 and end at 2:30.
Students will be able to be dropped off beginning at 7:10 and dismissal will begin at 2:30.
CCSD will continue to support Carolina Voyager in the cafeteria by providing breakfast and lunch.

On behalf of the Carolina Voyager Charter School Board of Directors and our Leadership Team, we are very pleased to announce that the Charleston County School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved our charter renewal application at their meeting Monday, 2/26. This ten-year contract with the district means we will continue to receive the same level of funding needed to support our students, our staff, and our new school building. The Board vote of 9-0 in favor of our charter renewal speaks volumes to our school and our legacy. We are so proud and equally excited about what lies ahead for our school community!
The Carolina Voyager Charter School Board of Directors, Mr. Kabel, Mrs. Adkins, and the Staff of Carolina Voyager

Kids Heart Challenge
Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Through fun activities we’ll discover ways to take care of our hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school!

Newest Updates on the NEW BUILDING!!

Things are moving right along! Next steps are drywall and wiring for the building.

Shout Out to local Firemen for bringing fire safety to our elementary school students! (Special Thanks to Mr. Lemacks for getting this opportunity together for our school)